LoS cover art
Posted by evildm in Graphics, LoSSW
Contact me at: JMejia@evildmproductions.com
Posted by evildm in Business, LoSSW
Legends of Steel- Savage Worlds Edition.
The art is paid for!
The map and cover are done!
Playtest reports have been reviewed and are favorable!
So where the hell is it?
I need to come up with a couple of one shot adventures (we used the adventures from Broadsword during the playtest).
And I want to beef up a couple of Nation and region descriptions.
But the thing that really got me thinking is whether or not I want to invest in my own site and sell it through there or go through RPGNow.
After the release of World of Broadsword I ended up getting a return of about 30% after all was said and done. Which was okay. But my investment so far in LoS has been quite a bit more than it was for Broadsword. And while I don't have any illusions about getting rich, I would like to be able to recoup some of the money I put into LoS in order to fund future efforts like Hador, Mission: Adventure! and Aurora.
Would having my own storefront be a better way to go?
is it a hassle or a cost efficient option?
first off I'm gonna need a better website, my current one sucks eggs.
the possible tax things don't bother me as it's my intention to file as a sole proprietorship in '09 anyway.
My customer base is small enough that I'm pretty sure I can rely on word of mouth, blog and forum posts and hopefully good reviews to get as much exposure as I need.
So that's what I'm struggling with now - the risk and hassle vs. the rewards of having my own storefront.